7. Mombasa Road, Athi River and Machakos Turnoff
Works generally consist of the construction of approximately 20km of the second carriageway between Athi River and Machakos Turnoff with the following major components:
Earthworks comprised mainly of medium height embankment construction, excavation and backfilling for unsuitable material.
Provision of new box and pipe culverts with appropriate inlet and outlet features and
Scour protection works.

Construction of 2 new river bridges (Athi and Stony Athi).
Construction of 3 new interchange bridges.
Construction of 3 new pedestrian footbridges.
Construction of Road Pavement to Bituminous layers.
Road furniture, road markings and other miscellaneous works.
The project road is a section of the A8 (formerly A109) national highway in Kenya. Generally, the Project is the construction of the second carriageway of the Athi River – Machakos Turnoff Section of Nairobi – Mombasa Road (A8).
It is situated in Machakos County in the Eastern Province of Kenya. The project road lies between the urban centres of Athi River and Machakos Turnoff (Kyumvi).
Street lighting. Rectification of defects affecting completed road for a period of 12