Prophet Muhammad love affair with Zainab his adopted son’s wife

Prophet Mohammad marries Zaynab

Zaynab was forced to leave Makkah to go to Medina as a ransom in exchange for the freedom of her husband Abul-‘As ibn Ar-Rabi’ of Makkah. This man fought against the Prophet in the battle of Badr, and was captured by the Muslims. To ransom his freedom, his wife sent to the Prophet, a necklace which at one time had belonged to Khadija, and she had given it to her as a present on her marriage. Abul-‘As was set free; he returned to Makkah, and sent Zainab to Medina as he had promised to do. Zainab, however, died couples years soon after her arrival in Medina.

The prophet married her initially to his adopted son Zaid. She reluctantly agreed to the proposal.

The story of Prophet Muhammad falling in love with his cousin and wife of his adopted son Zaid, Zainab bt. Jahsh, has been a subject of a lot of disputation for centuries. It is generally discussed in connection with Qur’an 33:37.

The verses which deal with Zaynab’s marriage are Surah al-Ahzab verses 36 and 37. The following verses, 38, 39 and 40 are viewed as a continuation and completion of thoughts of the previous verses and being in the same fold. The first verse, number 36, is believed to be revealed due to the Prophet’s desire to wed Zaynab with Zayd, and Zaynab’s consequent refusal based on her proclamation of her nobility and beauty. The second verse, number 37, covers the relaying of Zaynab’s wish to end her marriage with Zayd, following an unhappy union and the Messenger of Allah’s marriage to Zaynab. The third verse, number 38, and the continuation stresses the notion that all of these happening under the order and willpower of Allah. It also responds to possible hearsay on the happenings.

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