Kabbah is a cemetery
We now come to our concluding episode on Mecca, and end with 10 reasons the whole story about Mecca is based on a lie, and is an utter sham historically:
1) 70 – 300 prophets are supposedly buried there, so why can no one find them?
2) Everything we know about Mecca comes from sources 100s of year later, & 100s of miles away.
3) The earliest reference to Mecca is 741 AD, which is over 100 years after Muhammad!
4) The Saudis are now cementing everything over in order to destroy and censor any evidence.
5) Mecca’s in a desert, without water; so without any people, or civilization, and thus no history.
6) It’s not on the Land Trade-route which goes along the Western plateau.
7) It’s not on the Red Sea Trade-route either.
8) No civilizations surrounding Mecca has ever heard of it, until the 8th century.
9) The water from the “eternal” ZamZam well is not provided by Allah, but by the USA.
10) The 5-stages of the Hajj all include idolatrous stones, which epitomizes SHIRK!
© Pfander Centre for Apologetics – US, 2022