Can you make sense of Al-Islam and the Apocrypha legends of Allah and his favourite prophet, Muhammad in the Qur’an?
When any society, organization, or association, whether secret or public, punishes those who leave or reveal their secrets with the death penalty, it has the common characteristics of groups controlled by Satan.
Prophet Muhammad was illiterate, and Muslims voluntarily decided to follow him. Because it is the Sunnah, Muslims must follow their prophet’s example without question, and most of them never open their books to compare the stories in earlier scriptures.

O you who believe! do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you. Surah 5:101.
The biggest misconception about Islam among Arabs is that they never knew the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses.
Not only the Arabs knew God; they played a big part in the lives of the children of Israel and Moses. If you care to know the story of the Arabs, search the names Midian, Midianite, and Arab in the Bible. Midian is the son of Abraham, who established his kingdom in the Arabian Peninsula and is the father of the Arabs.
The God of Abraham did many miracles with Moses in the desert of Saudi Arabia when he left Egypt. Muhammad is not the one who made God known to the Arabs (Surah 28:43-46) because Allah confirmed it in Surah Al-Qasas Ayat 28:45 and he contradicted himself in the following Ayat 28:46. Allah doesn’t know that the people of Midian are Arabs.
Moreover, God sent the prophet Jeremiah to the Arabs Jeremiah 25:17-24 and Moses and the Burning Bush took place in Midian or Saudi Arabia; and Exodus 3:1 says Yitro was a priest of Midian. The Saudis closed off these holy places to keep the Jews and Christians away and favour the religion of Muhammad.
Two witnesses are preferable to one, according to logic. When two groups of academics and scientific professionals concur on a certain account, it must be true. Without a doubt, Jews and Christians who carefully consider their writings are satisfied with the reliability of the prophetic literature found in the Torah and the Old Testament. In actuality, the authentic God of the Bible never changes what he says. Let’s look for some examples in the Old and New Testaments:
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
One of the numerous reasons to think that Muhammad was a sinner is the fact that Muhammad mimicked Solomon’s lifestyle under the false notion that prophets are infallible. Sulayman Alahi Salam is in hell because of his adultery; he was also a mushrikin. 1 Kings 11:1–10.
Muhammad and Allah command Muslim women to give their breasts to strangers
Can Muslims explain why Allah revoked the Ten Commandments that he is said to have written for the prophet Musa? What drove Allah and Muhammad to renounce the Torah’s 10 commandments? The Bible says God created one man for one woman, read Genesis 2:24 and Exodus 20. Can you quote Scripture where God commanded Abraham, David, or Solomon to have multiple wives?
Does the Quran have inconsistencies?
Although Muhammad claimed that angels do not have free will, the Qur’an contains numerous instances of angels acting with their own free will. Who instructed the angels to question Allah’s desire to create Adam? Didn’t they claim that Adam would cause trouble on Earth?
According to the Quran, Allah sent the Injeel (Gospel) for Christians, the Torah for Jews, and the Quran for Muslims. In addition, the god Allah declared in the Quran that every group must judge according to what he revealed in their scriptures. Some Surahs, however, claim that Muhammad is the final prophet and that the Quran descended from heaven to replace all that had previously existed on earth.
Allah said:
« To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community [one religion]. » Quran 5:48
In Quran 5:48, doesn’t Allah want the Jews to follow the Torah and Christians to follow the Gospel instead of the Quran?
Allah’s origin is from Hinduism, watch the video
Moreover, in Quran 109, he made a prophecy against the non-Muslims. Allah said: « I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. »
Also in Quran 4:88, and 4:157, he gave unmistakable evidence that the Quran is only for Muslims, and he has misguided the world.
Allah said: « Would ye guide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? FOR THOSE WHOM ALLAH HATH THROWN OUT OF THE WAY, never shalt thou find the Way. »
Quran 4:157 « And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger – they slew him not nor crucified him, but it APPEARED so unto them. »
Muslims should ask themselves a straightforward question: Do we have a reliable copy of the Torah to criticise Jews and point out the flaws in their interpretation of the holy books of the great Allah? Or simply inform them that this ayah and chapter have changed?
Why does God not name Judaism or Christianity as His religion in the Bible? But in the Quran Allah said Islam is his religion.
« And Satan will say to his followers after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment. » Surah 14 :22.
Islam is the only religion in the world where a god commands his slaves Abduls to obey Shaytan
« And so, we have made for every prophet enemies—devilish humans and jinn—whispering to one another with elegant words of deception. Had it been your Lord’s Will, they would not have done such a thing. So, leave them and their deceit. » Surah 6 :112.
Allah appointed for you Sheitan to send you to HELL FIRE and Iblis will tell Muhammad and his followers: I was only a temptation; you shouldn’t take my commands as Wahi or inspiration and Quranic Surah.
Do you know that Musa married the daughter of a priest when he lived in Saudi Arabia? Read Surah 28:18-27 and compare with Exodus 2:11-25. The miracle of the burning bush of Allah was performed in Saudi Arabia, Surah 28:29-35 and Surah 20:9-14, compare with Exodus chapter 3.
When Moses said: “My Lord! Reveal Yourself to me so I may see You.” Surah 7:143 and the mountain crumbled took place in Saudi Arabia. But the story narrated in the Quran is mixed up because Allah did not remember that the mountain did not crumble when he appeared to Moses and Moses wasn’t unconscious, Exodus 33:17-23. But when Allah appeared to the prophet Elijah, the mountain crumbled, because there was a powerful wind, an earthquake, and fire when he appeared to Elijah 1 King 19:9–14. You could say the Bible is false; why would anyone change the story?
Shaytan is a Muslim

Ninety percent of Muslims do not have answers regarding Islam. Most of them say I’m not a scholar, I’ll ask my Sheikh.
According to Muhammad, Allah sent 124,000 prophets into the world to preach in their respective native tongues so that their followers might comprehend the message (Quran 16:36 and Quran 14:4). Can you believe that the Quran is the only copy of the great Allah’s 124,000 books to have survived the millennium before Islam? This does not include copies of the originals. Which Muslim scholar went through all 124,000 tribes to see whether they had any writings bearing the name of the great god Allah or even just had it in their minds?
« We surely sent a messenger to every community, saying, Worship Allah and shun false gods. » Quran 16:36
Allah gave seven Qurans in the Quraysh language, which made problems worse. Nobody else can interpret the Quran, and only these tribes in Saudi Arabia are able to understand it. The translation of the Quran and hadith into other languages is inaccurate; most Muslims do not speak Arabic, and only a small fraction of Muslims is aware of what Islam is about.
In Saudi Arabia, Christians are not accepted, and these tribes prefer not to interact with outsiders. Christians are prohibited from visiting Mecca, visiting the tomb of the prophet Muhammad, and touching the black stone. If you travel to Mecca, you will see a large sign that reads, “Muslims only.” Is this not injustice?

Because they forbid criticism of the Islamic prophet, the tribes in Saudi Arabia cannot and will not explain the Quran to Christians. However, criticism reveals the truth: The Quran forbids them from making friends with Christians and Jews (Quran 5:51 and Quran 5:54). They will kill a Christian who attempts to translate the Quran. Experts in anthropology, archaeology, or religious studies cannot do any scientific research in Saudi Arabia, or it is extremely difficult to do so.
« Your only guardians are Allah, His Messenger, and fellow believers—who establish prayer and pay alms-tax with humility. » Quran 5:57
Muslims are the source of all the tales we know about Islam and Muhammad. In the same way that scholars and scientists examined the Egyptian or Roman civilizations, they cannot validate Islamic stories.
The Quran contains numerous instances of literary theft.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a caravan robber. The narrative of Jesus’ birth beneath a palm tree was lifted verbatim from “The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew,” an Apocrypha book. If the prophet Muhammad PBUH were still around today, he might be arrested for plagiarism. Where he is right now, in the realm of the dead, how can he find peace? For an exceedingly long time, the souls of those he sent to their deaths too soon had been waiting for him. Even Sulaiman, or King Solomon (Peace & Blessings Upon Him), cannot find peace in the realm of the dead.
The Bible says:
3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him ASTRAY. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after OTHER gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 1 Kings 11:3-5.
Muhammad used Solomon’s lust to support his desire for women. He fabricated verses in the impure Quran to legalise adultery and debauchery. Since Allah speaks via the Quran, it is He who grants you permission to commit adultery. Can you quote Scripture where God commanded Abraham, David, or Solomon to have multiple wives?
God took Solomon’s life because He was tired of Solomon’s adultery. Also, he worshipped the gods of wood and stone as the black stone.
Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered. Proverbs 11: 21
Whether you are a Christian or not, the true God of the Bible will not allow anyone to sin or any sin to go unpunished, because it violates his laws. It’s important for you to understand that God suffers when you sin. Furthermore, men cannot pardon you for disobeying God’s commandment; only God can. The wage of sin is death Romans 6:23.
Prophet Jonah died because he disobeyed God. In my distress, I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry Jonah 2:1-2. Muhammad stole from caravans and killed his victims; did he spend time in jail for his crimes?
Jesus did not only perform miracles for the sake of spectacle. Jesus is the only role model in the universe because He is sinless, and everything He did and said is meant to serve as instruction for our lives. He didn’t do any miracles for himself, and he didn’t talk while he was in the cradle. He turned water into wine as His first miracle at the wedding (John 2:1–11).
His teachings assist us in getting to know God, and understanding who He is and what He expects from us.
What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him. John 2:11
Do you realise that the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were written by Solomon?
Solomon was a bad person who detested God and all the things he had done for him. He was self-centred, which caused him to experience despair and worry. His heart was rife with pride, egotism, wrath, fury, and self-centeredness. According to his own account, he believed that there was no value in fasting, praying, or making a sacrifice to God. He also believed that there was no point in obeying his Creator. Read Ecclesiastes 2:14–26, Ecclesiastes 3:18–22, and 1 King 11:1–10.
We’re not allowed to send blessings to the dead because God isn’t the God of the dead. He blesses the living with food, rain, peace, children, a long life, and material things such as houses, cars, shoes, warm clothes, etc., to make their lives easy.
« For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further REWARD, and even their name is forgotten. Ecclesiastes 9:5 »
Do you need any more convincing that sending blessings to Muhammad and Solomon is pointless? What other evidence might be stronger than this?
Do you pray for the dead in case Iblis attacks them? What do you expect Allah to bless Muhammad with? A long death? Or to send the Mujahideen to blow themselves up in the camp of the army of Shaitan?
Your Salaam is pointless, Iblis controls anyone who lives and dies in sin, but God delivers the living because they can turn away from their sin.
Only fools follow a fool. Instead of studying the Torah and the Injeel, Muhammad spent his time robbing people, slaughtering his victims, kissing his slaves, and having sex with them and a 9-year-old girl named Aisha.
1. Muhammad copied the story of Jesus making a bird from the mud (Quran 3:49) from The Gospel of Thomas; it’s an apocryphal story. A fake book titled “The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ, read Chapter 15,” and “The Second Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ, read Chapter 1,” or read Part 3 below.
2. The story of Abraham worshipping the stars, the moon, and the sun can be found in the Book of Jasher, Chapter 9 verses 13 – 19. But Allah and Muhammad messed up the chronology in the Quran.
3. Allah lied in the Quran; he claimed he transformed the Jews into pigs and monkeys Quran 5:60. The story is in the Book of Jasher, Chapter 9, verse 35.
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