Permanent solution to remove iniquity
Whoever try to curse, attack or to do evil unto you must find a cause and the cause is a spiritual substance called iniquity. In fact, many of us waste time casting out demons but leave the root intact. « Matthew 12:43-45,
43 “When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says to itself, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house standing empty, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come and live there — so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before. This is how it will be for this wicked generation.” »
For our victory, we must deny Satan and demons room to work. Deny negativity, misfortunes, infirmities, and curses to land on you.
The obstruction, the delays, and the afflictions in our lives and our nations are substances that Christ has dealt with.
The iniquity is why we sin, and the reward of sin is death. There’s first the iniquity, then sin, and after that comes death. So, the root is iniquity, the stem is sin with all its branches, which we call transgressions, and the leaves; the fruit is death, and death comes from infirmities, which are deep-seated, lingering disorders.
The root is the blood and the spirit; the stem is the man and the soul; obviously, you know that the leaves and fruits are the life of the body and flesh, or carnality.
The first step is cleansing the blood and the spirit, then healing the man and soul, and finally delivering the person.
Cleansing=> Healing=> Deliverance
Deliverance is the life we see outside, or the fruitfulness and blessings. The working of iniquity has three key characters or acts:
- Iniquity corrupts the blood and the spirit; there’s impurity in the blood and spirit. Between the iniquity and the sin, or between the blood and the soul, there is the spiritual heart. This is the mind of the spirit.
- Between the soul and the body there is the emotional heart; this is the mind of sin or man. If the spiritual heart is corrupted, the soul is distorted.
- The distortion in the soul brings out transgression. Therefore, the body or the flesh will be twisted and bear what it was not supposed to bear, such as sickness, pain, and shame, which result in death.
John’s ministry was to deal with the root through repentance. Jesus’s ministry was to be afflicted for our iniquities. The Bible says he was crushed for the iniquity. The whole process to deal with iniquity, sin, and death is called repentance. The solution to remove iniquities and their infirmities is repentance.
According to the ministry of John, confession is what is going to bring cleansing to the blood and spirit through a response from God, which is called divine pardon.
In Jesus’s ministry, he said, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
He who created the blood and the spirit pardons and cleanses the blood and the spirit. Then the healing of the soul starts, which results in the deliverance of the person, thus the fruitfulness and blessing.