In Chad, even the desert is experiencing flooding

Deadliest Journeys

In Chad, even the desert is experiencing flooding on an unprecedented scale. More than a million people are affected by rising waters. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of fields have disappeared, a tragedy in a country where a third of the population is food insecure. In the south, although rich in oil, each trip is an epic for the local populations, who do not benefit from the benefits of black gold. Norbert and Souleymane exhaust themselves every week on a broken track to supply the surrounding markets. In the Salamat region, transporting people is a daily challenge. The raging waters have washed away parts of the road, and in some places, the track is submerged for hundreds of metres.

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Two women artisanal gold miners in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri Province

Meet Josephine Kibondo and Moza Zawadi, two women artisanal gold miners in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri Province. They share their stories of their life as artisanal miners and, while they say it’s hard work, they rely on the income from artisanal mining to support their families.

Together with Canada’s Carleton University and Uganda’s Development Research and Social Policy Analysis Centre, IMPACT is exploring women’s livelihoods in the artisanal mining of 3Ts (tin, tantalum, tungsten) and gold within the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Testimony of a former devil worshiper from South Africa « Nonkoliso Ngéleka »

We are pleased to share with you this testimony of a former devil worshiper.

It is the account of a young South African kid who, over the course of nearly a decade, rose through the ranks while serving the devil.

At 7 minutes 38 seconds, it’s Genesis 2, 24.

It is a testimony that, compared to the testimonies of other former servants of satan, is very simple, and clean. Clean in the sense that she has made an effort to recount her testimony without mixing it with the abominations that we are used to reading in the testimonies of former Satanists. This testimony is therefore simplified, relatively short, but very rich. It is in two parts. It confirms the teaching on Spiritual Warfare that we put at your disposal a few years ago. We encourage you to read both parts and take the warnings that the Lord gives us through it, very seriously. We also strongly advise you to reread our teaching on Spiritual Warfare in full. May the Lord grant you the grace to get rid of all worldly things and to sanctify yourselves while waiting for the sound of the trumpet!


African Diaspora Making Million Dollars In America

African grasp the American dream

The American dream is the main reason why, for centuries the United States of America has been the number one destination for generations of immigrants. During all these years each immigrant, hitting the road, to come legally or illegally in this country, believes that anybody, regardless of his or her origins, can achieve prosperity and success for himself and his family. They come from all over the world, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. And for some of those who eventually settle in the country, the dream can become a reality. VOA’s Arzouma Kompaore gives us a closer look at these African immigrants who are transforming their lives in America.

Mauritania’s Dark Side

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Mauritania is culturally and politically part of the Arab world: it is a member of the Arab League and Arabic is the sole official language.

This episode of Sahara explores the people and traditions of Mauritania, but it also uncovers a deep dark secret that the locals aren’t allowed to address.

The official religion is Islam, and almost all inhabitants are Sunni Muslims.

Secrets of the Sahara.

Modern-day slavery still exists in different forms. According to some estimates, thousands of Mauritanians are still enslaved. A 2012 CNN report, “Slavery’s Last Stronghold” documented the ongoing slave-owning cultures. This social discrimination is applied chiefly against the “black Moors” (Haratin) in the northern part of the country, where tribal elites among “white Moors” (Bidh’an, Hassaniya-speaking Arabs and Arabized Berbers) hold sway. Slavery practices exist also within the sub-Saharan African ethnic groups of the south.

TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week.


Slavery of African domestic helpers in the middle east

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.

Can an employment system hide a reality of torture and humiliation?

Maid in Hell introduces us to 35-year-old Mary Kibwana, who is just one of the thousands of migrant women working as a domestic helpers in Jordan. Following an incident at her employer’s residence, Mary is flown back to her home in Kenya – where she arrives wheelchair-bound, with burns covering 70 percent of her body. Two months later, Mary dies as a result of her injuries. This story offers a glimpse into the commonplace reality of harassment, abuse, rape and 18-hour workdays that migrant domestic workers across the Middle East face. Trapped by the Kafala system, their passports are confiscated and they are bound to their employer.

Slavery is allowed in Islam or the Quran.

Unable to flee, they risk harsh punishments or imprisonments if they try. “Maid in Hell” gives unprecedented access to this frightening and brutal form of modern slavery. Following employment agents who vividly describe the trade, as well as maids who struggle to find a way home after harrowing, and sometimes, deadly experiences, we come to understand the grotesque reality faced by thousands of women each day.

Filmmaker: Søren Klovborg
Produced by: The Why Foundation

Africa’s Richest Square Mile – Johannesburg Sandton Morning Drive

Johannesburg, informally known as Jozi, Joburg, or “The City of Gold”, is the largest city in South Africa, classified as a megacity, and is one of the 100 largest urban areas in the world. According to Demographia, the Johannesburg-Pretoria urban area (combined because of strong transport links that make commuting feasible) is the 26th-largest in the world, with 14,167,000 inhabitants. It is the provincial capital and largest city of Gauteng, which is the wealthiest province in South Africa. Johannesburg is the seat of the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa. Most of the major South African companies and banks have their head offices in Johannesburg. The city is located in the mineral-rich Witwatersrand range of hills and is the centre of large-scale gold and diamond trade. It was one of the host cities of the official tournament of the 2010 FIFA World Cup – and it hosted the final.

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