Two women artisanal gold miners in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri Province

Meet Josephine Kibondo and Moza Zawadi, two women artisanal gold miners in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri Province. They share their stories of their life as artisanal miners and, while they say it’s hard work, they rely on the income from artisanal mining to support their families.

Together with Canada’s Carleton University and Uganda’s Development Research and Social Policy Analysis Centre, IMPACT is exploring women’s livelihoods in the artisanal mining of 3Ts (tin, tantalum, tungsten) and gold within the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Jamaica Fight Against A US Mining Company

The Fight Against A US Mining Company in Jamaica Continues

Jamaica was once the world’s leading exporter of bauxite, which is the ore from which aluminum is made, but decades of mining have taken a toll on the land and the people. With reserves depleted, the government is now pushing to move mining operations into the most ecologically sensitive part of the island known as Cockpit Country. We return to Cockpit Country to get an update on the fight to protect it.

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