Beautiful song for allah “Stop Insulting Prophet Muhammad Petition in UK” #Stopinsulting_ProphetMuhammad

Is it wrong and immoral to insult other people’s religion?

The United Kingdom rejected the threatening petition against peace in the UK and Europe if people do not stop insulting the prophet of Islam. A Muslim fellow made the petition with these words:

STOP Islamophobia STOP Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
I want parliament to have a comprehensive debate on this topic and pass an effective law to stop using abusive languages, cartoons, pictures, and political vendetta.

“We Muslims believe and love our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more then anything in the world! Anything means “ANYTHING“.
IF it is continuing as it is now happening, specially in the Europe and west; I am afraid we are creating an extremely peace less world.
Please do something now 🙏.”

“Stop Insulting Prophet Muhammad” is trending on Twitter today. Since Muhammad and his companions routinely insulted other people’s beliefs, this is hypocrisy at its finest.

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