Sex in the heaven of allah, everything is allowed

You will get whatever you wish in Jannah

Mohammad Asghar is a former Muslim who left Islam only after understanding its true teachings. In an interview with FrontPageMagazine a few years ago, he shared insights, described in the Quran, as to what believers and martyrs are told they can expect in Heaven’s “Gardens:”

“Everything in the Gardens will be for the enjoyment of their residents. In them, their male residents will have companions who will provide them with immense pleasure without feeling shame… Bashful with dark eyes and virgins … will provide them constant company and sex. Those men who will not have interest in sex with the female Hurs (maidens), Allah has made arrangement for them as well: they shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth… Allah will make them drunk, so that they can serve their clients to their entire satisfaction… The male residents of the Gardens and their virgin companions will be doing only one thing: sex.”

Allah has prepared for his believing slaves in paradise that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and has never even crossed the minds of men, such that even the person who has the least blessings in paradise will think that he is the most blessed among them. Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The lowest of people in status in paradise will be a man whose face Allah turns away from the fire towards paradise, and shows him a tree giving shade. He will say, ‘O lord, bring me closer to that tree so that I may be in its shade. Then he will enter his house [in Paradise] and his two wives from among houris al-‘iyn will come in and will say to him, ‘praise be to Allah who brought you to life for us and brought us to life for you.’ Then he will say, ‘No one has been given what I have been given.’” (Narrated by Muslim, no. 275)

Similarities between Islam Masjid and Hindu Temple


The Royal Princesses Want To Flee The Islamics States

INSIDE THE DUBAI ROYAL FAMILY: Where are the missing Princesses?

Divorces are often messy and costly affairs, but nothing compares to the one that currently entangles the royal family of Dubai. The Emirates’ ruler, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, is pitted against his ex-wife, Princess Haya Bint Al-Hussain, who surprisingly at this point, holds the upper hand.

In this billion-dollar battle a judge has ruled the Princess’ claims that the all-powerful Sheikh intimidated her with guns and threatened her with imprisonment are true. Other accusations against Sheikh Mohammed are so outrageous they’re difficult to believe, but as Tom Steinfort has been reporting for two years now, this royal ruler has form.

Princess Haya bint al Hussein, the Dubai ruler’s sixth wife fled with her two children Zayed and Al Jalila with $56 million dollars in a private jet and sought asylum in the UK. She allegedly said that her husband planned to marry her twelve-year-old daughter to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Bin Salman.



Mauritania’s Dark Side

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Mauritania is culturally and politically part of the Arab world: it is a member of the Arab League and Arabic is the sole official language.

This episode of Sahara explores the people and traditions of Mauritania, but it also uncovers a deep dark secret that the locals aren’t allowed to address.

The official religion is Islam, and almost all inhabitants are Sunni Muslims.

Secrets of the Sahara.

Modern-day slavery still exists in different forms. According to some estimates, thousands of Mauritanians are still enslaved. A 2012 CNN report, “Slavery’s Last Stronghold” documented the ongoing slave-owning cultures. This social discrimination is applied chiefly against the “black Moors” (Haratin) in the northern part of the country, where tribal elites among “white Moors” (Bidh’an, Hassaniya-speaking Arabs and Arabized Berbers) hold sway. Slavery practices exist also within the sub-Saharan African ethnic groups of the south.

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Prophet Muhammad love affair with Zainab his adopted son’s wife

Prophet Mohammad marries Zaynab

Zaynab was forced to leave Makkah to go to Medina as a ransom in exchange for the freedom of her husband Abul-‘As ibn Ar-Rabi’ of Makkah. This man fought against the Prophet in the battle of Badr, and was captured by the Muslims. To ransom his freedom, his wife sent to the Prophet, a necklace which at one time had belonged to Khadija, and she had given it to her as a present on her marriage. Abul-‘As was set free; he returned to Makkah, and sent Zainab to Medina as he had promised to do. Zainab, however, died couples years soon after her arrival in Medina.

The prophet married her initially to his adopted son Zaid. She reluctantly agreed to the proposal.

The story of Prophet Muhammad falling in love with his cousin and wife of his adopted son Zaid, Zainab bt. Jahsh, has been a subject of a lot of disputation for centuries. It is generally discussed in connection with Qur’an 33:37.

The verses which deal with Zaynab’s marriage are Surah al-Ahzab verses 36 and 37. The following verses, 38, 39 and 40 are viewed as a continuation and completion of thoughts of the previous verses and being in the same fold. The first verse, number 36, is believed to be revealed due to the Prophet’s desire to wed Zaynab with Zayd, and Zaynab’s consequent refusal based on her proclamation of her nobility and beauty. The second verse, number 37, covers the relaying of Zaynab’s wish to end her marriage with Zayd, following an unhappy union and the Messenger of Allah’s marriage to Zaynab. The third verse, number 38, and the continuation stresses the notion that all of these happening under the order and willpower of Allah. It also responds to possible hearsay on the happenings.

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