The Controversial Satanic Verses In The Quran

Surah An Najm 19 to 21

DCCI Ministries seek to preach the Gospel to Muslims using apologetics and polemics. Like the Apostle Paul, “we do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God” (2 Cor 4:2).

Rather “we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” Our motivation is love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ for eternal life. *Disclaimer- Speakers Corner, London UK, is a unique place in the world for freedom of Speech. Debates and dialogues on this channel is the expression of freedom of speech by all parties in their debates and discussions. Therefore all that has been said in the videos is not necessarily the opinion of DCCI but the expression of Freedom of Speech. Please do not post weblinks in the comments as they will be marked as spam and your comments will not be published.


India Manufacture Sanitary Pads From Bananas Waste

How Banana Plant Waste Is Turned Into Sanitary Pads in India | World Wide Waste

One in four women in India don’t have the supplies they need for their period. One startup is turning farm waste into biodegradable pads that could prevent the mountains of plastic trash conventional pads create.

Mecca Holy City Is A Lie

Kabbah is a cemetery

We now come to our concluding episode on Mecca, and end with 10 reasons the whole story about Mecca is based on a lie, and is an utter sham historically:

1) 70 – 300 prophets are supposedly buried there, so why can no one find them?
2) Everything we know about Mecca comes from sources 100s of year later, & 100s of miles away.
3) The earliest reference to Mecca is 741 AD, which is over 100 years after Muhammad!
4) The Saudis are now cementing everything over in order to destroy and censor any evidence.
5) Mecca’s in a desert, without water; so without any people, or civilization, and thus no history.
6) It’s not on the Land Trade-route which goes along the Western plateau.
7) It’s not on the Red Sea Trade-route either.
8) No civilizations surrounding Mecca has ever heard of it, until the 8th century.
9) The water from the “eternal” ZamZam well is not provided by Allah, but by the USA.
10) The 5-stages of the Hajj all include idolatrous stones, which epitomizes SHIRK!

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics – US, 2022

Advice To Muslim Girl Losing Virginity at 15 yrs

My Arab Aunt Answer

Hi friends, so since you love these advice videos so much I decided to do one with my aunt who is currently in Canada visiting. I received the message below.

“I am a good Muslim woman and I love my religion, I do my best to try to pray on time and I do my duties as it’s required in Islam. I used to do what I wanted without filters, I used to love sex and  still do … “

Duping Somali virgins into marriage

Sex tourism

In Somalia, poverty is forcing women into sexual exploitation as men from the country who’ve emigrated to the west return to take advantage of them.

Many of the women are refugees who are lured by the offer of a better life abroad. They often go through a fake wedding ceremony. The women are later abandoned as the men return to their families in the West. It’s a practice known as vacation marriage. Jamal Osman has been to Nairobi, where he put together this exclusive report. He was assisted by Nick and Deka Hassan.

Mariage jihad in India

Love and Faith

In India, Hindu nationalists are promoting the conspiracy that Muslim men are tricking Hindu women into marriage and converting them in an attempt to create an Islamic republic.

The national government has found no evidence to support this claim, but laws have been passed in some of India’s largest states that could see Muslim men jailed for up to 10 years for committing this so-called “Love Jihad”.

This documentary follows a group training to protect Hindu girls, a teenage Muslim boy who says he was imprisoned without trial for talking to a Hindu girl, and interfaith couples fighting just to be together.

101 East investigates love and faith in India.

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