نكاح المتعة Prostitution in Islam Muta’ah

Without lies, Islam dies

The Islam faith differs from the Christian and Jewish faith in many aspects. For instance, the Ten Commandments of GOD have no meaning in the Muslim religion. The god of Islam, allah, does not see a problem if Muslims lie, take many wives and take additional sex partners in a contract called Niqah Muta’ha.

What’s Niqah Muta’ha

Niqāḥ al-mutʿah, literally “pleasure marriage” or temporary marriage. It is a private and verbal temporary marriage contract in which the duration of the marriage and the payment of money must be specified and agreed upon in advance. This is how many societies around the world define prostitution but allah doesn’t see it that way.

Watch the video to understand how far it goes.

The Bible say:

Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua. In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy. Keep doing what you have learned and received from me, what you have heard and seen me doing; then the God who gives shalom will be with you.
Phil 4:7-8


Muslim called the Christian Prince to explain the Trinity

The essence of GOD of the Bible

The most crucial thing a Muslim must understand in the Christian faith is that GOD Almighty does not hear the prayers of sinners (John 9:31). It’s deeply rooted in the old testament in the time of Moses because GOD did not allow anyone to make a sacrifice to him when Moses was the ruler of the jew. And a prayer wasn’t sufficient because a sacrifice had to be performed according to the sin as it was written in the Torah. Only the sons of Aaron could make sacrifices to GOD for the sins of the people.

They were the chosen tribe among Israel to make sacrifices for the people coming to the temple of GOD. And, once a year, the most holy priest among them had to enter the temple’s holiest place to present the blood of the sheep for the atonement of the sins of all the Israelites. The law of Moses comprises 1) the Ten Commandments, 2) the laws, and 3) the precepts; you must differentiate them. Essentially, nobody had the right to make a sacrifice for himself; only the priest of the tribe of Levi, the ancestor of Aaron. Moses was the king of Israel and at the same time the high priest, Aaron was like his prophet. Exode 7.1-2

Why the sacrifice of Cain wasn’t accepted?

It’s because he sacrificed fruits and herbs thinking it was right. It is pretty much what Muslims do, they think they can pray the way they like but their prayers do not go far.

Before Moses, everyone did whatever they see fit. You need Jesus, you need the Holy Spirit to intercede on your behalf.

GOD Almighty is Holy, you cannot come before him without a high priest. This means that you need an advocate to speak on your behalf because you are not fit to come in His presence.

The Lord said: Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.”

(John 4, 23)


Beautiful song for allah “Stop Insulting Prophet Muhammad Petition in UK” #Stopinsulting_ProphetMuhammad

Is it wrong and immoral to insult other people’s religion?

The United Kingdom rejected the threatening petition against peace in the UK and Europe if people do not stop insulting the prophet of Islam. A Muslim fellow made the petition with these words:

STOP Islamophobia STOP Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
I want parliament to have a comprehensive debate on this topic and pass an effective law to stop using abusive languages, cartoons, pictures, and political vendetta.

“We Muslims believe and love our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more then anything in the world! Anything means “ANYTHING“.
IF it is continuing as it is now happening, specially in the Europe and west; I am afraid we are creating an extremely peace less world.
Please do something now 🙏.”

“Stop Insulting Prophet Muhammad” is trending on Twitter today. Since Muhammad and his companions routinely insulted other people’s beliefs, this is hypocrisy at its finest.

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Forgery in the Arabic Qurans Manuscripts

Intentional changes in the Qurans manuscripts

Dr Jay Smith vs Mansur | Speakers Corner

According to Islam, the Quran is unchanging and unchangeable. It is common among Muslims to assert that the Quran has been preserved with miraculous perfection and without the slightest variation or error. It is orthodox Islamic doctrine to believe that the Quran was written on heavenly tablets for all eternity past and was dictated, word for word, to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel.

This extreme claim is rather easy to refute. For example, in 2011, Dr. Keith Small published a thorough comparison of the popular modern Quranic text to 22 other copies of the Quran, including many of the earliest manuscripts we possess as well as several medieval manuscripts and one modern edition of the Warsh text used by many Muslims in North Africa and Yemen.

Hatun Tash Stabbed at Speakers’ Corner

Christian evangelist Hatun Tash was stabbed today at Speakers’ Corner in London. Hatun is a vocal critic of Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran, as well as a prominent defender of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and she was wearing a Charlie Hebdo shirt when she was attacked.

Read Christian Prince Book Sex and allah

Introduction: Sex & Allah volume I & II cover the extensive subject of sexuality and Islam. For your convenience I decided to divide Sex & Allah into two practical volumes. Volume two continues where volume one ends. This first volume starts off giving you unique knowledge about pre-Islamic sexual practices and regulations, and will gradually narrow down to the founder and role model of Islam, Muhammad, showing in great detail his influence in the development, formation and implementation of sexual rules and regulations in Islam. May I recommend you, after finishing this first volume to continue exploring the incredible Islamic logic regarding sexuality. The second volume continues with sex in Muhammad’s universe, his special privileges, takes you through the intriguing Islamic inter space between human and non human: sexual activities of jinns, Satan, angels, and will finally leave you with prospects of infinite sex within the realms of the Islamic hereafter. Please take a note that any translation that is not showing the name of the translator next to the Quran verse or Hadith, for sure is a Christian Prince translation.




Mauritania’s Dark Side

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Mauritania is culturally and politically part of the Arab world: it is a member of the Arab League and Arabic is the sole official language.

This episode of Sahara explores the people and traditions of Mauritania, but it also uncovers a deep dark secret that the locals aren’t allowed to address.

The official religion is Islam, and almost all inhabitants are Sunni Muslims.

Secrets of the Sahara.

Modern-day slavery still exists in different forms. According to some estimates, thousands of Mauritanians are still enslaved. A 2012 CNN report, “Slavery’s Last Stronghold” documented the ongoing slave-owning cultures. This social discrimination is applied chiefly against the “black Moors” (Haratin) in the northern part of the country, where tribal elites among “white Moors” (Bidh’an, Hassaniya-speaking Arabs and Arabized Berbers) hold sway. Slavery practices exist also within the sub-Saharan African ethnic groups of the south.

TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week.


Slavery of African domestic helpers in the middle east

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.

Can an employment system hide a reality of torture and humiliation?

Maid in Hell introduces us to 35-year-old Mary Kibwana, who is just one of the thousands of migrant women working as a domestic helpers in Jordan. Following an incident at her employer’s residence, Mary is flown back to her home in Kenya – where she arrives wheelchair-bound, with burns covering 70 percent of her body. Two months later, Mary dies as a result of her injuries. This story offers a glimpse into the commonplace reality of harassment, abuse, rape and 18-hour workdays that migrant domestic workers across the Middle East face. Trapped by the Kafala system, their passports are confiscated and they are bound to their employer.

Slavery is allowed in Islam or the Quran.

Unable to flee, they risk harsh punishments or imprisonments if they try. “Maid in Hell” gives unprecedented access to this frightening and brutal form of modern slavery. Following employment agents who vividly describe the trade, as well as maids who struggle to find a way home after harrowing, and sometimes, deadly experiences, we come to understand the grotesque reality faced by thousands of women each day.

Filmmaker: Søren Klovborg
Produced by: The Why Foundation

Mohammad promised young beautiful white boys like pearls in Jannah جنة

Muslims Angered by the Reality of Homosexuality in Jannah جنة

Every Muslim man is looking forward to getting handsome white boys in Jannah جنة. The prophet said they will pour liquor into the cups of men resting on the couch and serve them food. However, the hadiths say that they will not bleed, and people believe that the prophet is promising the Muslim men child abuse in Jannah in committing homosexual acts. The verse says:

وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ غِلْمَانٌ لَّهُمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لُؤْلُؤٌ مَّكْنُونٌ

There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.

— Surat At-Tur 52:24

يَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُّخَلَّدُونَ بِأَكْوَابٍ وَأَبَارِيقَ وَكَأْسٍ مِّن مَّعِينٍ

There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers, and a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring.

— Surat Al-Waqi’ah 56:17-18

Follow up on 80,000 pretty young boys for Muslim men in Jannah

وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُّخَلَّدُونَ إِذَا رَأَيْتَهُمْ حَسِبْتَهُمْ لُؤْلُؤًا مَّنثُورًا

There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.

— Surat Al-Insan 76:19

Orgy In Paradise of allah.


The Origins of Islam

The “Origin of Islam” series is intended to provide a big-picture look at how Islam started.

Looking at the corrections made by the scribe who wrote one of the oldest Quranic manuscripts, we can reconstruct the original contents of the Quran. Where Islam came from, how it evolved and how we ended up with the religion we know today. I’m introducing the historical-critical method as it’s applied to the Quran and paint a new narrative based on primary evidence and linguistic analysis.


There’s No Archaeological Evidence Of Prophet Mohammad

No Mecca prior to the 7th century | Speakers’ Corner debate

The Archeological Evidence against Islam – Shaking the Strongholds.
The Qur’an is facing a blistering attack from contemporary scholarship. The mounting archaeological case against Islam.
Muslims are adamant in asserting that the Qur’an is the final true word of God. However the historical reliability of Islam has been challenged by contemporary scholarship. Manuscript, documentary and archaeological evidence all fail to confirm the claims of Islam. In the last issue (Isa Masih no. 6, p8-9) we exposed the gaps in qur’anic manuscript evidence, and revealed apocryphal sources for much of the Qur’an’s borrowed mythology. Here, we explore the mounting case against Islam from external documentary sources and modern archaeology.

Much of what the Qur’an maintains is at odds with historical data from the 7th-8th centuries. Specifically:

  1. The Jews retained a relationship with the Arabs until at least AD 640, not 624 AD.
  2. Mecca was not the first and most important city in the world; it was unknown until the end of the 7th century and was not even on the international trade route.
  3. The Qibla (direction of prayer) was not fixed towards Mecca until the 8th century but to an area further north, possibly Jerusalem.
  4. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was possibly the original sanctuary.
  5. Muhammad was not known as the Seal of the Prophets until the late 7th century; the creeds from Muhammad’s time contain a monotheistic religion but no Muhammadan formulae.
  6. The earliest we even hear of the Qur’an is not until the mid-8th century.
  7. The earliest qur’anic writings on coins and on the Dome of the Rock do not coincide with the current qur’anic text.

This suggests the Qur’an we now read is not the same as that which was supposedly collated and canonized in 650 AD by Uthman. The earliest qur’anic manuscripts in our possession today (dating from 790 AD) would appear to reflect an evolution in the qur’anic text. This challenges the Muslim contention that the Qur’an contains the original and exact revelation of Allah, as recited by Muhammad and hence strikes at the very heart of the Islamic faith. The Qur’an has in the past been protected by a kind of doctrinal embargo- but can Muslims ignore the mounting tide of evidence to the contrary?

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